Trace Minerals? What Do They Do? About the minerals and trace elements found in our natural sea salt:
Certain body processes are attributed to a balance of certain minerals with each mineral needing one or more other minerals for proper function. For instance if your calcium-phosphorus balance is out-of-wack, it can lead to mental and physical fatigue.
Magnesium should be used with calcium - phosphorus only in the appropriate balance. The over abundance of any one mineral results in the deficiency of another.
Minerals are obtained from all food and with proper diet, salt can provide the body with many minerals it needs or you can also add supplements such as trace mineral drops to your diet to meet your needs.
Never undertake any substantial changes in your diet or exercise patterns without first consulting your physician, especially if you are currently being treated for any medical conditions.
Chlorine: Chlorine, combined with sodium, regulates the acid alkali balance of the body. It is necessary for the production of gastric acid, which is a component of hydrochloric acid (HCl).
Sodium: Sodium regulates the pH of intracellular fluids, and potassium regulates the acid/alkaline balance of the body. Sodium and chlorine are needed to keep the osmosis and electrolyte balance.
Sulfur: Sulfur is found in cells, especially of the skin and scalp. Poor diet results in skin and nail problems. Increasing sulfur in the diet can sometimes help to combat psoriasis and rheumatic conditions.
Magnesium: Magnesium is very important in the body because it helps in the activation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main energy source for cellular action. Magnesium activates some enzymes in the system, and it is important for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. Magnesium is required for normal muscle contraction and is important in the synthesis of certain amino acids.
Potassium: Potassium exists primarily in intracellular fluids (liquids within the cell). Potassium stimulates nerve impulses and muscle contractions and is important for the maintenance of osmotic pressure. Potassium regulates the acid alkali balance, stimulating adrenal function and assisting in the conversion of glucose into glycogen. Besides potassium is important in protein biosynthesis.
Calcium: Calcium is needed for healthy bones and teeth. Calcium influences blood coagulation, stimulates the muscles and nerves, and acts as a cofactor for vitamin D and parathyroid gland function. Muscles could not contract without Calcium. Calcium is essential in regulating the bloodstream. A lack of calcium results in an endless number of symptoms: the most notable is osteoporosis resulting in the decrease in bone mass and increases the possibility of breaking.
Silicon: Silicon is necessary for normal growth and bone formation. In combination with calcium, is a contributing factor to good skeletal integrity. Silicone is the an important component in the formation of bones. Silicone can help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.
Copper: Copper enhances the absorption of iron and vitamin C. Copper is essential in protein synthesis and an important factor in the production of (RNA).
Manganese: Manganese is necessary in the use of glucose for the synthesis of lipids and lipid metabolism. Manganese plays a role in cholesterol metabolism and the development of pancreatic function, manganese is involved in normal skeletal growth and the activator of these enzymes.
Iron: Only trace amounts of this element are essential for the life of the cell as well as plants and animals. Iron enables two-way action with oxygen and the role of the reactions of electron transmission, making them biologically indispensable. Iron is necessary for cell function, and the use of blood. Blood loss is the most common cause of iron deficiency. Extreme tiredness and fatigue are symptoms of iron deficiency and anemia.
Aluminium: Aluminium is found in many foods, always in small amounts in plants and animals, and in the blood and urine. There is no evidence that this element is essential for any metabolic function in humans and animals. Although evidence of high levels of aluminium, can result in neurological disorders, bone problems, and gastrointestinal irritation, loss of appetite, and loss of energy. For healthy people, over 98% of the aluminium intake can pass through the intestinal tract. Silicon (See above) prevents the absorption of aluminium and helps eliminate aluminium from the body.
Strontium: Strontium (Not strontium-90, which is a radioactive element) helps with the calcium-magnesium-phosphoramidite in the body structure. Strontium influences the structure of calcium.
Zinc: All adults require an average of 15 mg of zinc per day. It is a very important trace element and essential for many biological factors. Zinc is needed for growth, your immune system, and sexual development. Zinc is a cofactor in more than 90 enzymes and is required for the synthesis of insulin. Zinc is considered an antibacterial in prostatic fluid and contributes to the prevention of chronic bacterial prostate and urinary tract infections.
Titanium: Titanium is an abundant mineral and is thought to have no role in the metabolism of plants and animals. Generally humans eat and excrete titanium with no side effects and is considered essentially non-toxic. Titanium may be carcinogenic but not at the levels at which humans are generally exposed.
Fluoride: Fluoride has an effect with the metabolism of calcium and phosphate and, in small portions, can reduce osteoporosis. Trace amounts of fluoride produce strong teeth and makes them more resistant to degradation by bacteria.
Rubidium: Rubidium has a very close physicochemical relation with potassium, naturally it is a substitute for potassium. Some studies suggest that rubidium increases memory and mental activity at early ages.
You don't just want to survive, you want to thrive.
We know how frustrating it can be to know that even when you’re eating healthy, because of soil depletion, the fruits and vegetables you’re eating aren’t as nutrient dense as they once were, which means you’re not getting the nutrition you need. We also know that it’s even harder to find the time, energy, and resources to eat healthy, leaving you frustrated and unhappy that you can’t provide yourself and your family with the nutrition they deserve. Supplementation is becoming more and more important. ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops are an easy addition to your daily water, to ensure everyone is getting the minerals they need.