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How to Get Rid of Constipation and Maintain Good Gut Health?

Today, many people suffer from poor gut health. There are numerous causes of constipation, the most prevalent of which is not getting enough fibre in your daily diet. However, given that the gut is where our vitality is built (nutrient absorption and waste removal), this is not surprising.

One in five Australians has constipation, a fairly common health issue. Constipation is typically only a short-term problem; however, it can last longer for some people. It may cause discomfort and other health issues, and it may be painful.

Your inability to pass stool or your decreased frequency of bowel motions could both be symptoms of constipation.

Let's find out the common causes of constipation and what we can do for constipation relief.

Common Causes of Constipation
  • Poor fibre diet: A poor diet is the most common cause of constipation. This is because individuals who regularly consume a lot of processed food and sugar don't get enough dietary fibre and resistant starch, which are essential for normal digestion.
  • Dehydration: Our bodies and bowels might get dehydrated when we don't drink enough water. This leads to poop that is harder and drier, which can be painful and difficult to pass.
  • Lack of exercise: When we don't move around much, our bowels might also get lazy. Regular bowel motions depend on overall good muscle tone. The diaphragm and the muscles of the abdominal wall all play a significant role in the defecation process. These muscles won't be able to perform as well if they are weak.
  • Medications:  Constipation may occur as a side effect of many treatments, including strong painkillers, nausea meds, anti-depressants, dietary supplements, and chemotherapy therapies.
  • Not going when required: Ignoring the urge to poop results in poo staying in the gut for a longer period, where it becomes more compact and challenging to pass.
Tips to follow for Immediate Constipation Relief
  1. Add fibre-rich foods to your diet: We have all heard the common saying, “you are what you eat!” It is not only a saying but can assist you in choosing plant-based rich fibre food to improve your overall well-being. Your diet impacts your digestive system, gut microbiota, and general well-being. By giving your stool, more volume and facilitating a quicker passage through your intestines, including high-fibre foods in your diet will help control your bowel movements.

          You can get fibre in foods such as:

  • Barley
  • Chickpeas
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Pears
  • Chia seeds
  • Avocado
  • Oats 
  • Whole grain bread
  • Whole grain pasta
  1. Drink more water: People should drink more water. It is essential to drink enough water and stay hydrated to stop this because it is caused by severe dehydration. Some studies also suggest that drinking sparkling water can help with easy bowel movements. According to some research, sparkling water is more efficient than tap water for treating constipation. However, it is not advisable to consume carbonated liquids because they may have adverse health effects and can make your constipation worse.
  1. Take gut health supplements: Many people discover that using supplements facilitates bowel movement control. Supplements with insoluble fibre, such as wheat bran, help to activate the mucosal membrane in your colon. By doing this, they facilitate stool softening and quicken faeces' passage through your colon. You might get relief from the discomfort you feel while passing stools by using a supplement.
  1. Consume coffee: Some people may experience a stronger urge to use the restroom after drinking coffee. This is so because coffee activates the muscles in the digestive system. Additionally, coffee may include small traces of soluble fibre, which helps to balance intestinal flora and avoid constipation. Coffee stimulates the muscles in the gut, which helps to ease constipation.
  1. Take prebiotics: Prebiotics are a type of fibre made of indigestible carbohydrates. Prebiotic fibres enhance digestive health by nourishing the good bacteria in the gut, which increases probiotics and balances the bacteria in the gut. Some prebiotics may aid in promoting more frequent bowel motions and softening stools 

Following are some examples of prebiotic foods:

  • Bananas
  • Chickpeas
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Leeks
  • Jerusalem artichoke
Final Thoughts
There are several possible underlying causes for constipation, which is painful. Many over-the-counter medications and gut health supplements can definitely help. If constipation continues, a person should consult a physician to determine the cause and develop a successful treatment plan.


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