Any medical condition related to the guts or stomach arises due to bad food and drinking habits. As we all make blunders of mixing hunger with the craving satisfaction of taste buds. It can lead to many health issues in the long run including some regular stomach problems like constipation, bloating, and much more.
To avoid such conditions never forget that precaution is better than cure. Some healthy diets and digestive support supplements can assure you good health.
Here are some do’s and don’ts to get rid of bloat and keep your stomach healthy and strong:
Maintain Consistency
Consume soluble fibre for breakfast (good options include oatmeal, flax, and chia seeds) and at least six glasses of water per day.
Thirty minutes of moderate activity per day will help food move through the digestive tract, which can help with constipation, which is a potential cause of bloating.
Consume Slowly
Sit down to eat and chew your food slowly to avoid swallowing air. Food that has been thoroughly chewed is also easier to digest. Consume until you are 70% full.
Control Your Stress
'There is a genuine mind-gut connection, and stress and worry can affect our digestive systems,' says Clairmont.
Limit Carbonated Beverages
In the beverage world, carbonated water and soda are the leading causes of bloating. Carbon dioxide gas accumulates in your body as you consume these drinks. This can cause bloating quickly, especially if you drink them quickly.
The best option is plain water or including digestive support supplements in your daily diet.
Chewing gum and drinking carbonated beverages. If you have bloating on a regular basis, you will swallow air that travels through your entire digestive tract.
Consume excessive amounts of caffeine or alcohol. Both can weaken (relax) the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach, allowing air to enter. Alcohol can cause spasms in the small intestine, resulting in bloating.
Consume lactose-containing dairy products. Lactose is the natural sugar in milk, yogurt, and ice cream. One in every three Canadians is lactose intolerant, which means they lack the enzymes to digest this sugar. It eventually makes its way to the large intestine, where it causes gas and bloating. If symptoms disappear within 24 to 48 hours of eliminating lactose, this is most likely the cause (a simple blood test can confirm this).
Consume an excessive amount of raw vegetables. Broccoli and cabbage are notorious gas producers. Doctors suggest peeling (when possible) and steaming vegetables to make the fibre more tolerable.
Snack throughout the day. 'You need to give your body time to digest food,' Clairmont says. She suggests separating snacks and meals by at least two hours.
Last Words. Keeping your guts clean and your digestive system strong can help you to stay healthy. You can easily incorporate these habits into your day-to-day life. In fact, studies show that it also helps to solve problems like bloating and weight loss. If you wish to give digestive supplements a try, then you must consider Healthbar. They have been in business for years and offer you result-oriented products. To know more about its products and services, you can visit the website.